10,000 Victories Ancient Lineage Arts

Northern Shaolin

Lan Shou

Xing Yi Quan

Ba Gua Zhang


Ancient Lineage Arts are inherited wisdom of self-care and self-development created by generations of practitioners, teachers, and masters. The most important of all Arts is the art of self-care and self-nourishment. Sick, pained, weak, afraid, and unsure; how could anyone have a good day? Healthy, vibrant, strong, brave and confident; the world seems beautiful, full of life and abundant opportunity. Cannot take of ourselves, we become a burden to all around us. Capable and ready, we can help others in need.

Ancient lineage arts like Tai Chi Chuan, Northern Shaolin, Xing Yi Quan, Ba Gua Zhang, and Lan Shou Quan all completely transform those who practice them. Combining mind and body with movement, breathing, focus, intention, power, courage, and wisdom in every practice session surpasses all other forms of self-cultivation in both efficiency and effectiveness. Ancient lineage arts beautifully unify many layers of activity and beneficial development at once integrating all of them into you. Learning an ancient lineage art is efficient because you do only one activity and you accomplish many goals and receive many benefits at once.

Finding another activity that combines all of these elements together simply may not be possible. Ancient lineage arts do not require you to be an athlete, or special in any way, or even healthy when you start. They are accessible to people of all body types, conditions, and personalities.

Some arts challenge the outer reaches of human athleticism like Northern Shaolin and Lan Shou Quan, others are much gentler and more restorative like Tai Chi Chuan. Some strike a balance like Xing Yi Quan and Ba Gua Zhang. Each has a different strategy of self-defense suited to different personalities. All of these arts assume you are a beginner and provide a structured, sequential, and developmental training program under a qualified teacher.

This means they have easier foundation or beginner levels, clear intermediate levels, and advanced and expert levels as well. Each of these levels has different lessons, drills, exercises, and methods to learn and master. This is what makes a system complete and provides the total package of human development and self-care that makes these arts treasures whose value is beyond measure.

Lineage arts live within their practitioners and especially their experts and masters like a precious language. True lineage arts are passed down directly teacher to pupil. Quality and continuity are maintained by certifying only qualified and capable inheritors. Carrying a lineage and passing it on to the next generation is both an incredible privilege, a wonderful gift, and a duty and responsibility.

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Tai Chi – Supreme Ultimate Boxing – Wong Jackman Lineage

Tai Chi is an amazing way to improve your health, balance, strength, energy and ward off illness and is used by millions worldwide. This safe pleasant form of exercises is full of countless benefits.

Grandmaster Wong Jackman Complete System of  Yang Family Tai Chi Long Form

Grandmaster Wong Jackman was exceptionally skillful in the complex original Long Form of Yang Style Tai Chi. Grandmaster Wong Jackman’s Northern Shaolin and Weapons were so spectacular that it was easy to miss his magnificent Tai Chi.

Grandmaster Wong Jackman taught a complete system of Tai Chi before almost anyone in the United States of America had any idea what Tai Chi was or what might be included in a complete system. When Grandmaster Wong Jackman arrived in the USA in the early 1960’s Tai Chi and Kung Fu were virtually unknown. There were almost no Tai Chi or Kung Fu teachers and Grandmaster Wong Jackman was one of the great pioneering teachers of Chinese martial arts in the United States. In particular, Grandmaster Wong Jackman was one of the first Chinese teachers to teach authentic lineage arts to the general public including non Chinese. Wong Jackman accepted people of all races, and creeds who were not mean or gangsters. He also taught everyone the same complete curriculum if they studied long enough to complete it.

An image of Sifu Jensen performing Tai Chi taken from Tai Chi Course Exerpts. 10,000 Victories school is located in San Rafael, Marin, CA.

Grandmaster Wong Jackman curriculum in Tai Chi included the complete Long Form (150 movements), Push Hands (many single and double hand drills), Da Lu (or Great Road teaching the use of the elbow, shoulder, split and pull down), San Shou (Free Hands – the 44 move per person sparring form), and the classic Yang Family Tai Chi sword. Yang Style Tai Chi sword is considered to have come from Wu Dang Mountain Taoist Sword techniques. Grandmaster Wong Jackman’s sword curriculum also included three classic Wudang mountain Sword Forms. These were Dragon Phoenix Straight Sword, Plum Blossom Double Dragons Paired Straight Swords, and Three Combinations Sword Sparring Partner Form. This curriculum is rarely possessed in full, even without legendary Wudang sword forms, by anyone today. In the 1960s, 70s, and 80s Grandmaster Wong Jackman was one of the only teachers in the United States to offer a complete system. It is still rare today.

Grandmaster Wong Jackman not only had complete knowledge of Tai Chi but also the actual essential skills, profound body mind transformation and incredible energetic and spiritual presence of a true lineage master.

Wong Jackman Double Jian or Swords

Grandmaster Wong Jackman’s Tai Chi form was also more complex. In the modern era, many of the movements of Tai Chi have become simplified, and to varying degrees ritualized. This makes the movements easier to learn for normal practitioners and especially for those starting later in life or who are not as proficient in learning movements. Being simpler or more stylized has minimal detriment to the health benefit of practicing Tai Chi. However, simplifying or ritualizing the movements makes them worthless for self defense and dilutes the essence and quality of the style. Grandmaster Wong’s Tai Chi Form was not simplified and the way the movements are executed in his Tai Chi matches the precise mechanics and tactics to actually use the movements in either push hands or for self defense thus retaining the essence of the style.

Sifu Jensen performs Tai Chi near beautiful coastline in Marin County, CA.

The oldest Tai Chi forms were long and performed with extremely long and low stances and broad gestures that require enormous strength, flexibility, and control to perform. Today we see Chen style Tai Chi performed with low stances while most people practice Yang Style Tai Chi with medium or high stances. Originally, the Yang family of Tai Chi evolved from the Chen Style of Tai Chi, and was it also performed with low, long stances. Most people find this type of practice too difficult because they are not flexible or strong enough for those strenuous movements. Grandmaster Wong however preformed his Tai Chi lower than Chen style practitioners and with a much longer stance. Grandmaster Wong’s stances were classic of the Northern Schools of Chinese martial arts. Obviously his vast training in Northern Shaolin and great athleticism enabled these elegant and extended postures.

Learn more about this ancient art from International Gold Medalist and recognized Master, Sifu Scott Jensen.

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Northern Shaolin – Wang Jackman Lineage

Northern Shaolin refers to a specific style originating in the Shaolin Temple. People sometimes use “Northern Shaolin” as a term to refer to many styles of Chinese martial arts from Northern China that share similar stances, kicks, and long range strikes. There is however a single historically significant and authentic style of Kung Fu called Northern Shaolin. This system is over 800 years old and was the official gate style of the Northern Shaolin Temple. By Saying “Gate” indicates that all students learned this system before learning anything else. It was the standard curriculum before advanced studies in other shaolin Temple arts would be permitted. Northern Shaolin was created combining the best techniques from the five Mother styles of Cha, Hua, Red Hong, Small Hong, and Pao Chui. Later generations of Grandmasters added new techniques, and none were removed so Northern Shaolin has continued to evolve.

Wong Jackman Performs Wu Dang Mountain Plum Blossom Double Swords

Northern Shaolin is also famous for Iron Palm and Iron Shirt skills. iron palm master gu ru zhang breaking bricksGu Ru Zhang the Great Grandmaster who revealed and taught Northern Shaolin to the public for the first time was considered to be the greatest Iron palm master of all time. He was famous for breaking 12 bricks without spacers flat on the floor or singling out gu ru zhang iron body, truckany single brick in the stack and breaking only that brick. Gu was also famous for his Rising Block Spear and Ground Rolling Double Sabers.

Northern Shaolin is considered to be a grandfather system because many other martial arts trace their origins directly to it or the Shaolin Temple.

In addition to the magnificent 10 Core Forms, Grandmaster Wong Jackman also taught many famous weapons forms. All of these forms were expert level. Originally Wong Jackman taught beginning and intermediate skill level weapons forms. Later, realizing American students would be unlikely to learn multiple forms for each weapon he concentrated on teaching the most expert and historically significant forms to make sure that they were not lost. These include:

Northern Shaolin Kung Fu Master Scott Jensen of 10000 Victories Kung Fu
  • Staff versus Staff
  • Spear versus Spear
  • Spear versus Double Daggers
  • Spear versus Three Sectional Staff
  • Spear versus Saber
  • Spear versus Double Sabers
  • Sword versus Sword

Wong Jackman called his school San Francisco Jing Mo Physical Culture Association (Cantonese for Chin Woo Association) and in the spirit of the Chin Woo Association he taught many additional historically interesting and super cool hand forms. Each of these was single form that was either an entire system of the last form remaining or the core essence form of the style. These forms were all unique and different yet synergistic with each other and the Northern Shaolin system core. Wong Jackman shared and preserved a curated best of the best to his American Students. These forms included:

sifu jensen, kung fu, wind, beach maui
More On Northern Shaolin

The Heart of the Northern Shaolin system is the 10 Core Forms. These are empty hand forms that vary in length between 50 and 120 movements long. Northern Shaolin is an incredibly complex and athletically challenging martial art to learn. Showing the pure essence of Northern Chinese Kung Fu Northern Shaolin uses incredibly high kicks, low and stances, bold leaps, broom sweeps, agile footwork, and numerous hand techniques. Northern Shaolin is a long fist style and uses long range strikes and circular blocks, in addition an encyclopedic array of hand techniques. Their names are as follows.

  1. Enter the Gate – Expert Kicking Form
  2. Leading Steps – Skillful Stances and Leading Foot Work
  3. Horse Riding – Massive Aggressive Endurance Form
  4. Penetrating Heart – Attacks the Chest
  5. Martial Art – Specialized Kicks
  6. Short Striking – Close Fighting Techniques
  7. Plum Flower – Entering Techniques
  8. Unearthing Steps – Blast the opponent out of their stances
  9. Connecting Links – Expert level combinations and footwork
  10. The Fist Method – Specialized Fist techniques
  • Earth Dragon Staff
  • Rising Block Spear
  • Plum Blossom Spear
  • Kwan Dao
  • Eight Directions Saber
  • Ground Rolling Double Sabers
  • Hook Swords
  • Three Sectional Staff
  • And many more

Grandmaster Wong Jackman’s system included the dramatic and difficult Northern Shaolin Ground Rolling Sparring Form and many weapons Sparring Forms including:

  • Tan Teui – 12 Row Spring Steel Legs from the famous hero Huo Yuan Chia, the founder of the Ching Wu Association, considered to be a whole martial system including a long partner form.
  • Lian Bu – Continuous Steps – Famous Core footwork form from Dragon Style
  • Xiao Yuan – Small Circles
  • Beng Po – Exploding Steps – core form from Seven Stars Praying Mantis Style
  • Liu He – Six Harmonies – core form
  • Cha #4 – A rare remaining core Form from the Cha system, a mother style to Northern Shaolin

At the most advanced level after completing everything else Wong Jackman taught Northern Shaolin Lohan or Buddha Palm. This included 4 hand forms and a single sparring form. The first Lohan form is not too hard, and Grandmaster Wong Jackman taught that to many people. The other three Lohan forms he rarely taught and they were exceptionally difficult because their athleticism, specialized techniques and complex timing. The Lohan forms are expert level forms.

Lan Shou Quan – Liu Wan Fu Lineage

Lan Shou Quan, or Arresting or Intercepting Hands Boxing, is classical combat oriented martial art developed and practice by professional warriors in Tianjin in China. Lan Shou Quan uses the classical low and long stances of the Northern Chinese martial arts styles like Northern Shaolin. However, Lan Shou forms contain less kicking and less total variety of techniques and more circular stepping than Northern Shaolin forms. Lan Shou Quan practitioners are expert in the Lashing Fist (a huge uppercut), Drilling Fist (a close uppercut) and Penetrating Fist (a twisting punch aimed at the heart) and Chin-na techniques of stand up grappling and joint locks.

Lan Shou contains a complete system of weapons and specializes in Spear and Saber. You Could say Lan Shou is a spear and saber art first, with great empty hand skills second. Lan Shou contains 7 magnificent spear forms as well as excellent saber and sword techniques. Lan Shou maintains many old footwork tactics including off angle and circular steps used for evasion and entering. We practice and love Lan Shou Quan’s four extraordinary and long hand forms, the Clever Dodging Sparring Form, Uplifting Step Saber, Six Harmonies Saber, 10,000 Victories Double Sabers, Tai Chi 13 Postures 2 Roads Sword, Five Tigers Breaking Down The Door Spear, 10,000 Victories Spear, Coiling Dragon Staff.

Xing Yi Quan – Sun Lu Tang and Li Cun Yi Lineages

scholar warrior. Sun Lu Tang was one of the first people to learn Tai Chi, Xing Yi and Ba Gua and recognize their similar natures and essence. Sun was famous for writing some of the first publicly published books on Chinese martial arts and teaching widely and openly.

When Grandmaster Wong Jackman began teaching Xing Yi Quan he was one of the only qualified teachers with a full system in the United States. Xing Yi Quan although famous and sought after is still extremely rare in the United States.

Grandmaster Wong Jackman Xing Yi Quan curriculum is as following :

  • Three Treasures Stance for Qigong, Strength, and a mobile fighting stance
  • Five Element Strikes to develop power and condition and protect the body
    • Metal Fist – Splitting Palm
    • Water – Drilling Fist
    • Wood – Penetrating Fist
    • Fire – Exploding Fist
    • Earth – Crossing Fist
Sifu Wong Jackman performs The Dragon stance from Xing Yi Quan

Xing Yi Quan practitioners learn:

  1. Three Treasures Stance for Qigong, Strength, and a mobile fighting stance
  2. Five Element Strikes to develop power and condition and protect the body
  3. Twelve Animals Styles teach advanced tactics and mechanics that further condition the body
  4. Linking Forms combining Elements and Animals
  5. Partner or Sparring Forms teach applying these techniques against resisting opponents
  6. Two Handed Sword and Spear
In Person Training Info.

Xing Yi Quan originated in Hubei province about 400 years ago. Xing Yi Quan evolved from Six Harmonies Boxing that evolved from the Northern Shaolin style. The movements of Xing Yi Quan appear to be much simpler and easier to remember than most other arts. The forms of Xing Yi Quan are short, simple and balanced on both sides of the body. Although simple and plain on the outside ,Xing Yi Quan contains a depth of subtle and profound body mechanics and Qigong that help Xing Yi Quan practitioners live longs lives and generate enormous power for striking. Xing Yi Quan is famous for its shockingly powerful punches, rear weighted Three Treasure Stance, use of the “Following Step”, and sudden transition from stillness to full speed. Xing Yi is aggressive attacking style that emphasizes and cultivates indomitable will power.

Grandmaster Wong Jackman inherited the Hubei style of Xing Yi Quan from Sun Lu Tang from Yim Sheung Mo his Northern Shaolin master. When Yim Sheung Mo studied at the National Guoshu Institute he was able to learn Xing Yi Quan from Sun Lu Tang. Sun Lu Tang was a rare

Liang Ke Quan performs a Great Monkey Leap from Xing Yi Quan
  • Twelve Animals Styles teach advanced tactics and mechanics that further condition the body. Grandmaster Wong Jackman taught multiple versions of many of these animals.
    • Dragon
    • Tiger
    • Horse
    • Snake
    • Falcon
    • Tortoise
    • Eagle
    • Bear
    • Swallow
    • Sparrow Hawk
    • Rooster
    • Monkey
  • Linking Forms combining Elements and Animals
    • Five Element Link (Beginning)
    • Connecting Links (Intermediate)
    • 8 Shapes or Methods (Advanced)
    • Mixed Animals Form (Expert)

Ba Gua Zhang (Eight Diagrams Palm) – Liang Zhen Pu Lineage

Ba Gua Zhang has a fantastic and unique set of body conditioning drills that use non contractive rotational movements to open, rebalance, and strengthen all of the joints of the body. The circle walking footwork exercise called Ding Shir is a profound Qi Gong and walking meditation method. Ba Gua Zhang has many great partner drills that make its unusual, surprising, and deadly techniques effective for self-defense in a short period of time.

Liang Zhen Pu although only a humble shepherd boy, earned the right to study with one of the most martial artists in China, the Ba Gua Zhang founder, Tung Hai Chang. Tung Hai Chang created Ba Gua Zhang while working as a tax collector in Mongolia for the Chinese Emperor for 25 years. Tung created an elaborate system based on a circular walking meditation method from the Taoist tradition. Tung Hai Quan was a powerful fighter whose footwork and art rocked the martial world. Liang was accompanying a goods caravan to manage the livestock they would all eat as food on the trip. Every caravan had a couple of shepherds to do this job. When a huge gang of bandits attacked, instead of running hiding like the other civilians, Liang Zhen Pu stood his ground and threw rocks with skill of a shepherd aiming at wolves. Chased away, he returned throwing more rocks. The guards respected his bravery and fighting spirit.

When he returned with the guards to Beijing, Tung Hai Chang was confronted with the problem of training a youth with no previous training. Previously, Tung had only accepted experts into his company and then trained them in his specialties. Training each one individually resulted in the many branches of Ba Gua Zhang. For Liang Zhen Pu, Tung created an entire system of foundation drills that would condition strengthen, coordinate, and balance his body and teach fundamental skills. These drills are absolutely brilliant. Liang Zhen Pu later integrated advanced joint locking skills and created the modern 64 techniques. Liang Zhen Pu enlisted the aid of a scholar student who helped compose the poetic and culturally rich names of the Liang Zhen Pu branch techniques.

Ba Gua Zhang is famous for its flanking footwork developed by walking in circles while continuously practicing hand techniques. The inward and outward circling steps of Ba Gua Zhang defeat the straight attacking steps of the opponent. Ba Gua Zhang specializes in the Penetrating Palm, hidden elbows, and hooking or tripping feet. Ba Gua Zhang almost exclusively uses the palms and not closed fists and thinks of the entire arm from the shoulder to the fingers as all “palm”. Ba Gua Zhang is also famous for chopping palms, joint attacks prior to throws, and generating power with Tornado like twisting beginning in the feet.

Ba Gua experts use a combination of small and unusual bladed weapons, straight sword, and a huge double hand saber. The huge saber is used primarily for practicing the body mechanics of joint locking throws without hurting a partner.

The name “8 Diagrams” refers to the eight diagrams used in the primordial Chinese philosophy classic the I Ching, or Book of Changes, to predict the future and understand the current moments changing possibilities.

Sifu Scott Jensen performs ba gua zhang for online ba gua zhang course. 10,000 Victories school is located in San Rafael, Marin, CA.
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Qi Gong – Internal Energy Lineage Art

Qigong refers to systems of healthy breathing exercises that heal your body and promote longevity. Sifu Jensen studied Qigong intensively from many of his extraordinary martial arts instructors. Sifu Jensen successfully used his Qigong and Tai Chi to heal from breaking his pelvis, suffering severe whiplashes, and other injuries. This personal experience has helped Sifu Jensen guide thousands of his students to also enjoy the life changing benefits of Qigong. Jensen has deep insight into the practical methods of accomplishing the health benefits that Qigong is famous for, and a systematic method for teaching them. Learn the following Qigong methods:

  • Relaxing Tendons, Floating Bones Qigong – Methodically open all of your joints and loosen your tendons while rebalancing your body. Masterfully prepare yourself for further exercise, raise your energy, increase your focus, and relieve all aches and pains.
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Qi Gong
  • Post Standing Qigong – This simple method of Qigong heals your spine, calms your mind, gathers your Qi, and prepares you for Tai Chi.
  • Pre Birth Qigong – Cultivate Your Prebirth Qi. Learn to feel the link between Qi, Blood, and movement. Improve your posture and learn the foundation body method of Tai Chi.
  • Swimming Dragon Qigong – Improve your whole-body synergy, nurture your heart, lungs and chest, smooth and refine the flow of your arms extensions perfectly for Tai Chi
  • Five Elements Qigong – From Xing Yi Quan has wonderful healing effects on your internal organs and your whole body.
  • Eight Diagrams Circle Walking Qigong – This meditative walking method strengthens and heals your entire body, cleanses your blood, and boosts your Qi – From Ba Gua Zhang
  • Muscle Tendon Changing Classic (Yi Jin Jing) – An ancient and renown method of Qigong from the Founder of the Zen (Chan) and Shaolin Temple that focuses on preparing your body and mind to practice martial arts like Northern Shaolin and for profound meditation. 24 complex exercises are fantastic for your health and develop excellent coordination between your breathing and body movement.