As a partner of the City of San Rafael, our fantastic group classes are offered at the beautiful auditorium of the San Rafael Community Center, 618 B Street San Rafael, CA 94901, on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Come to our fun, healing and health nursing ancient lineage arts of Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and Kung Fu classes. Combo classes are at a discount rate. See class descriptions and registration links below. If you sign up for combo classes, you get a discount on both classes, no coupon code required. See below. When you go to the registration page of San Rafael Community Center page, you’ll see details, tuition and no class dates. Questions about classes: Call 415-455-9467 or email: Registration questions and assistance, please call San Rafael Community Center (415) 485-3333 or email:

Note: If you are new to San Rafael Community Center, you will need to open a free account with the San Rafael Community Center first before you can register.

Registration info here 

Qi Gong – Learn the Yi Jin Jing or Muscle Tendon Changing Classic. Qi Gong is breathing and stretching exercises based on traditional Chinese medicine. This sequence is one of the oldest and most famous in the history of China. Once extremely secret, the Yijinjing was created by Tamo (Bodhi Dharma the founder of Zen) to prepare Shaolin / Zen monks for both martial arts and meditation. Learning and practicing these exercises can dramatically and pleasantly improve your health. Systematically stretch and strengthen every part of your body. Link your breath and movement while you calm your mind and focus your Qi. The original Jedi training! Learn all 24 exercises.

Xing Yi Quan – There’s no separate Xing Yi Quan registration link. If you wish to take Xing Yi Quan class, please use Qi Gong link to register for class. Xing Yi Quan is the same time as Qi Gong Class, 6:00-6:45pm.

Tai Chi: Old Yang Family Long Form (Bonus classes: Tai Chi Sword, and Tai Chi Push Hands) – Learn the classic Yang Family Long Form. We Love Beginning students! Start with learning the first section of the Tai Chi form and improve your health, balance, energy level, relieving stress, making new friends, having fun, and looking cool. Sifu Jensen is famous as both a highly knowledgeable instructor and a master performer, International gold Medalist and World Champion in Tai Chi, and coach. This course curriculum is clearly organized and follows the online class lessons exactly. Sifu Jensen and his assistants will make sure you get a great lesson every class!

Once you feel ready you can also learn Tai Chi Sword and Tai Chi Push Hands. They are both super fun. Tai Chi Sword – Learn 46 Style Tai Chi Sword from the Chen Yun Ching lineage in this fun course. Tai Chi Sword is super fun and helps take your strength, balance, and body awareness to a new level. Tai Chi Sword is also super beautiful to perform. Our Women’s Tai Chi Sword Team won the gold medal at the UC Berkeley Chinese Martial Arts Championship! Come have fun with Tai Chi Push Hands – Push hands is a stand up grappling game where both players attempt to use their Tai Chi moves to off balance the other. This safe exercise is a great way to improve your Tai Chi, especially your stances and balance and to learn practical self-defense skills. Push hands is also super fun, and you can compete with our team, if you choose, at local tournaments!

Animal Power – Animal Power is a dynamic workout using Kung Fu conditioning and foundation exercises. Every class includes thorough deep stretching and warm up, Tiger Core Exercise for strength, lots of super cool kicks at all heights, learning new animal movements and the body method and virtue lessons of each animal. This session will focus on the Tiger. Learn 12 different types of pushups and different Tiger Pushes to knock down opponents for great self-defense. Earn a cool patch and have fun with the optional “Tiger Fu Activity Book” as well while you get in fantastic shape and build a great physique. No uniforms or belts, just a great, fun workout. New Animal in the Spring.

Kung Fu (Includes Northern Shaolin, Sparring and Self-defense, Partner-Sparring Forms) – Sifu Scott Jensen is one of the top instructors in the USA in both arts. Following the lineage of Wong Jackman and teaching the authentic forms and training exercises you are assured of learning some of rarest and most powerful classical combat oriented Kung Fu. Northern Shaolin is extremely athletic with high and flying kicks, ultra-low ground sweeps, acrobatic tumbling and ground rolling, long low stances, and all the classical Kung Fu weapons. Northern Shaolin is a great style for performing in shows or movies and wining top awards at tournaments! Xing Yi Quan (From and Will Boxing) is a power punching style without the high kicks, leaps, and flexibility. Xing Yi Quan provides excellent practical fighting skills and great health benefits strengthening the internal organs and relieving aches and pains.

Every class we also practice Partner Forms and Sparring. You can do both partner forms and sparring when you feel ready. Partner Forms are pre-choregraphed fights practiced with a partner to develop self-defense skills with and without weapons. These are also great training for fight scenes and action sequences in movies! Come build your skills. Learn The Northern Shaolin Ground Rolling Sparring Form, the 44 move Joint Locking and Escaping (Chinna) Form, Staff versus Staff, with us!! Sword versus Sword, Double Daggers versus Empty Hands, and many others from Northern Shaolin, and the Five Elements Fists, Eagle Bear Mixed Animals Forms from Xing Yi Quan. These are super fun to practice with your friends. Sparring and Self Defense – Put on your gloves and gear and learn practical sparring skills. New students begin with systematic and extensive training in dodging, covering up, and footwork to guarantee excellent defensive skills. Everyone learns control and accuracy for safety. As students’ progress they learn to use and defend against all levels of kicking, trips, throws, joint locks, and ground defenses (not grappling on the ground). Our fighters do well in competition, and you can join them after learning real skills in this safe and closely supervised program.

Private Instruction from Sifu Jensen

Private Instruction provides invaluable personal precise fine tuning of your techniques and clear explanations of how to improve. Each lesson expect to receive detailed expert review of your previous lessons and then learn new material. In private lessons, Sifu Jensen loves to teach students new material either forms or skills as rapidly as possible. Sifu Jensen’s private students all progress rapidly building their health and becoming old school expert martial artists.

Book private sessions:


Office Phone: 415-455-9467

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sifu jensen, henry geddes, sean lim, push hands

#52 Aim For Skills to Start Your Journey

Enjoy this fun podcast lecture by Sifu Jensen!

Playing with your shoelaces and thinking about running is not the same as entering the race and placing yourself on the starting line. When you decide to become skillful in your art whether it is Northern Shaolin, Tai Chi Chuan, Sword, Xing Yi Quan, or Qigong is when your journey really begins. By committing yourself to regular, focused practice and paying with your time and effort you earn the real skills, physique, and health benefits of your training. I also discuss how my teachers Ba Gua Zhang Master Zhang Hua Sen and Chen Family Tai Chi Master Chen Xiao Wang escaped hardship by mastering their arts. This is somewhat different than the sacrifices required in modern life. When you decide to become skillful and spend the time and effort you will also meet your own mind, and train it and your will power to keep your feet on the path and heading toward your goal. In addition, I have a fun question that will help you meet your own mind and find out who is driving the car on this journey!