10,000 Victories Northern Shaolin 2016 Summer Camps Ready for Registration Now!
The 10,000 Victories Summer Camps are held at the beautiful Lagunitas School so we can practice outside and hike over to Roy’s Redwoods and the Lagunitas Stream for fun!
Mon. – Fri., 9 – 3, bring your own lunch.
July 11 – 15 Dragons vs. Tigers Sword and Saber Camp –
Learn either 8 Immortal Sword or Six Harmony Saber. If you know both of those, you can learn the awesome Sword Sparring Form with a partner! Practice all day with your swords! http://10000victories.com/product/kids-saber-sword-kung-fu-summer-camp-marin-ca/
July 25 – 29 The Mad Hare’s Obstacle Course Camp –
This is our Ultimate Obstacle Course with elaborate set ups hitting kicking targets leaping over obstacles crawling rolling dodging, blocking and punching your way to victory! We’ll warm up with extra Dog boxing and lots of training in leaping rolling and dodging. It’s super fun and perfect for younger kids with lots of energy! http://10000victories.com/product/obstacle-course-and-sparring-camp/
August 1 – 5 The General’s Spear Camp –
Learn the Rising Block Spear Form and follow in the steps of famous Generals and Heros! Spears are very exciting and the next step after learning Staff. This form is exciting to practice and awesome to perform!http://10000victories.com/product/staff-and-spear-summer-camp-marin-ca/
August 15 – 19 Northern Shaolin Sparring Camp –
Take your sparring skills to the next level and prepare to advance in Skills and Rank. In addition, you’ll learn the Northern Shaolin Ground Rolling Sparring Form. This exciting sparring form is a miniature battle were both people know exactly what move to do next and no one gets hurt. Wow! It’s super fun!!! http://10000victories.com/product/saber-camp/
Tuition: $300 per camp before June 1st, $320 after June 1st. All four camps $900.
Early Drop Off at 8:30 AM is $25 + per week. Call to register for either “All Four” or “Early Drop Off”
Apparatus required, but not included: Spears are $48, Sword or Saber $68, Sparring Gear Boy $108, Girl $168. Obstacle course has no apparatus requirement.
We Welcome Tae Kwon Do, Kenpo, MMA, Jiujitsu, & Karate Students!
You’ll fit right in and you can use your own sparring gear and weapons!
Northern Shaolin
Our School can be found here!
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