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10000 Victories Tai Chi Comprehensive Course Progress Report: 

The 10000 Victories Tai Chi Comprehensive Course features 400 lessons covering all aspects of Tai Chi. We have content planned for practitioners of all levels from complete beginners. We love you! All the way through intermediate, advanced and even to the most expert aficionado levels. We have already completed filming all 64 of the lessons required to learn the complete Yang Family Long Form. In addition, we have filmed lessons on stances, 32 lessons on body method and posture, 41 lessons detailing beauty and performance tips for each of the 41 techniques of the long form, and core concepts. These lessons are all somewhere in the pipeline of editing and uploading. We are averaging 3 days of shooting a week.  

Most recently we finished shooting a whole series of lessons on the self-defense and sparring aspects of classical combat oriented Tai Chi Chuan. This series of lessons includes 41 lessons on the self-defense applications of the Tai Chi techniques. In addition, we have completed a series of lessons on practical stepping and footwork drills. We are in the midst of filming a series on how to strike punching bags, pads, and targets without hurting yourself to properly weaponize your techniques. Next, we are shooting a series on the sparring games and exercises used to train practical boxing skills. This series of lessons promises to be exciting and fun!  

Once we have finished these shoots, we will move indoors into the cinematography studio (living room) in our secret base hidden beneath a lake of lava (home studio office). We will not be launching a long narrow spaceship into the near reaches of outer space. That’s boring and not to helpful really.  

Instead, we are going to record three additional series of lessons. First in this series, we plan 32 lessons aimed at all levels on the Philosophy and Lore of Tai Chi Chuan. In the second series we will create 32 lessons called “Getting Results – How to Achieve the Health Benefits of Tai Chi”. These lessons will take a single health benefit of Tai Chi highlighted by modern medical and academic research and identify how to actually achieve that benefit. Understanding the amazing health benefits of Tai Chi and how to achieve them is incredibly motivating! The final series of lessons will complete the core concepts, introductions, and FAQs.  

With plenty of luck and a double measure of hard work and persistence we will complete these remaining shoots quickly. Each week we are excited to record more lessons and move all the others further through each step of the editing and final uploading process. Connor Jensen, my son, has also been starring or assisting in many of the self-defense lessons.  

Rather than raise expectations with a release date our team merely wants you to know we are moving as quickly forward as we can, and incredible progress is being made each week! 


Tai Chi 

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  • Ben VanderJack says:

    Wow, if what you’re describing materializes in, like, 80 % of the stated particulars it would be one of the most comprehensive Tai chi courses anywhere online. This is especially cool because I’ve been looking for a way to practice T’ai chi with my wife, at the same time as introducing her to some of the self defense aspects of the martial arts. My best to you in this endeavor.

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