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Dear Students,

For your convenience, we’ve placed all our class and seminar schedules on the 10,000 Victories calendar. This calendar also includes corresponding class registration links, making it easy for everyone to find their class schedules and register.

Stay healthy and strong with us! Join Sifu Jensen and the 10,000 Victories Community for Qigong, Tai Chi, Kung Fu and Kickboxing classes! 

Deepen your practice, connect with our community, and invest in your well-being. All levels welcome – join us as we move forward together.

Class location: 618 B St. San Rafael, CA 94901

Register through the San Rafael Community Center, let’s do this!

Questions about classes call 415-455-9467

p.s. If you are new to San Rafael Community Center, you need to open up a free account before you can register online.

Technical questions about registration on San Rafael Community Center website call 415-485-3333

Qigong Class

Qi Gong is breathing and stretching exercises based on traditional Chinese medicine and practicing these exercises can dramatically improve your health. Systematically stretch and strengthen every part of your body. Link your breath and movement while you calm your mind.

Tai Chi complements Qi Gong by improving balance, coordination, and posture, while Qi Gong enhances the internal energy flow cultivated in Tai Chi. When you register for combo you get a discount.

Register for Qigong or Xingyi Only 2/12-3/12 SessionRegister for Combo Qigong + Tai Chi 2/12-3/12 Session
Sifu Jensen leading students doing Qigong in San Rafael class

Xingyi Class

Xing Yi Quan is a powerful striking style of Kung Fu excellent for both practical self defense and building health. Xing Yi Quan trains relatively simple to learn and easy to remember movements. Xing Yi Quan does not require high kicking or leaping. Xing Yi Quan movements work with traditional Chinese medicine principles to strengthen the internal organs, immune system and heal the joints and spine. Xing Yi Quan was one of the main styles of martial arts used by body guards and escorts in China for 400 years.

Register for Qigong or Xingyi Only 2/12-3/12 SessionRegister for Combo Qigong or Xingyi + Tai Chi or Kung Fu 2/12-3/12 Session

Tai Chi Class

Learn Old Yang Family Tai Chi Long Form and improve your health, balance, energy level while relieving stress, making new friends, and having fun. As you progress, the next step is to learn Tai Chi Sword and Tai Chi Push Hands.  Push Hands is a stand-up grappling game where both players attempt to use their Tai Chi moves to off balance the other. This safe exercise is a great way to improve your Tai Chi form, especially your stances and balance and to learn practical self-defense skills. Push hands is also super fun. Tai Chi Sword helps take your strength, balance, and body awareness to a new level. It is beautiful and feels great as you perform!

Register for Tai Chi Only 2/12-3/12 SessionRegister for Combo Qigong or Xingyi + Tai Chi 2/12-3/12 SessionRegister for Combo Tai Chi + Tai Chi Sword or Push Hands 2/12-3/12 Session

Tai Chi Push Hands Class

Tai Chi Push Hands: In this class you will learn Tai Chi Push Hands from Sifu Jensen. Tai Chi Push Hands is a game of skill and sensitivity where both players try to off balance each other using Tai Chi techniques. The main techniques are pushing and pulling. Push Hands is a great way to learn the essence of Tai Chi and develop amazing balance and skills. With practice normal people will find it impossible to push or pull you around or off balance you. Tai Chi push hands is totally safe and loads of fun! Sifu Jensen is a veteran Tai Chi master with vast experience in Tai Chi self-defense skills and coaching winning Tai Chi Push Hands competitors.

Register for Tai Chi Sword or Push Hands Only 2/12-3/12 SessionRegister for Combo Tai Chi + Tai Chi Sword or Push Hands 2/12-3/12 Session

Tai Chi Sword Class

Tai Chi and Wudang Sword: In this class you will learn 46 style Tai Chi Sword Form from Simu Rachel Jensen and Sifu Jensen. This incredibly beautiful Tai Ch sword routine comes from the famous Tai Chi and weapons lineage master Chen Yun Ching of Taiwan. This form feature 46 beautiful postures and movements. A focus of this form are the many beautiful and strength developing movements on one leg. This form has a wonderful and varied choreography and great names for each movement. You may bring your own sword with Sifu Jensen’s approval or purchase one from 10,000 Victories. No sharp swords are permitted. When you complete Tai Chi Sword you will learn other amazing sword forms like the “Dragon Phoenix Sword” from Wudang mountain, “Weeping Willow Sword” from the art of Baguazhang, “Immortal Yang Sword,”  and “Lau Family Sword” and many others!

Kung Fu Class

This Kung Fu class includes Northern Shaolin, Xing Yi Quan, sparring, partner forms and self-defense. Northern Shaolin is extremely athletic with high and flying kicks, ultra-low ground sweeps, acrobatic tumbling and ground rolling, long low stances, and all the classical Kung Fu weapons. Xing Yi Quan is a power punching style providing excellent practical fighting skills and great health benefits. During each class we also practice partner forms and sparring. Partner forms are pre-choreographed fights practiced with a partner to develop self-defense skills with and without weapons. Build your skills in this safe and closely supervised program where everyone learns control and accuracy. New students begin with systematic and extensive training in dodging, covering up, and footwork to guarantee excellent defensive skills. As students progress, they learn to use and defend against all levels of kicking, trips, throws, joint locks, and ground defenses.

Kickboxing Combat Conditioning Class

Kickboxing-Combat Conditioning Class is an incredibly intense martial arts workout that will build the strong, flexible physique of a kickboxer. You’ll learn a variety of strength exercises targeting upper body, core and legs. You will also learn many stretching exercises focused on the legs and hips to prepare for kicking safely. Practicing punching and basic dodging, footwork and shadow boxing will build your cardio respiratory fitness and endurance. This is a perfect warm up class for Kickboxing, MMA, Juijitsu, Kung fu, Karate, Judo, Tae Kwon Do, Baseball, fencing and other styles of martial arts. You will learn unique drills related to animals and martial virtue lessons of good morality and character and earn fun animal patches.

Register for Kickboxing Combat Conditioning 1/16-3/20 Session

Kickboxing Techniques and Defenses Class

Kickboxing Techniques and Defenses: In this safe, fun and playful class you will learn classic punching, kicking, sparring, dodging, blocking, parrying, covering up, footwork, and defensive skills. Great for beginners! You learn and master many controlled and safe drills with partners to cooperatively learn sparring skills. In these drills, we move in slow motion or take turns to focus on skill and control development. there is no hard contact of any type. Free sparring will be done with instructor approval and supervision only after sufficient defensive skills and self-control are achieved.

Register for Kickboxing Techniques and Defenses 1/16-3/20 Session

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