A few more thoughts on developing your personal Training Plan.
To make a good training plan you will need these things:
Where – Where will you practice?
When – When will you practice?
What – What will you practice?
Rewards – How will you reward yourself for sticking to your plan and doing great workouts? Small rewards for a good workout can be a fun snack,
reading, watching, or playing time. figure out a reward that you like and don’t cheat. Only give yourself the reward when you earn it.
Support and Permission – Make sure your family and friends understand your schedule and your need to stick to it. Enroll your friends and family to encourage you and help you reach your goals.
Rest – Plan to rest. Rest means planning to get enough quality sleep that you can recover form your previous workouts and then progress with focused training. Go to bed early, wake up early, and get extra hours of practice in!
Nutrition – Plan to eat enough nutritious food that you can handle the long workouts and recover form them. Planning to eat right with both enough nutrition and enough calories is important to keep progressing and get the most out of each day.
Gear – When you start a serious plan of systematic training you might start blowing through clean clothes and creating piles of SWEATY laundry. If you really burn it on Northern Shaolin you will burn through the T-shirts sweating through 4 – 5 per training session. I used to own over 20 track suits and 80 t-shirts so I would have enough. High speed shirt folding becomes a thing. Get a cool backpack to put them in.
Support Buddy – Support Buddy is your friend who is into all the same Kung Fu and Tai Chi stuff you are and you can share your inspirations and insights to keep your momentum going and achieve mastery.
Determination and Attitude – Are you ready to kick your own ass into shape? Get your attitude in order and summon your inner resources of willpower and determination so nothing can stop you.
Listen to this great podcast on Training Plans by Sifu Jensen on Ancient Wisdom Modern Health.
10,000 Victories School
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