Cheers to 2022 Being Better! Rachel and I are filled with gratitude for the love and support of our Kung Fu and Tai Chi family. Thank You! Without your help…
Cheers to 2022 Being Better! Rachel and I are filled with gratitude for the love and support of our Kung Fu and Tai Chi family. Thank You! Without your help…
10,000 Victories School is known for the quality of our swordswomen and swordsmen. The 10,000 Victories Kung Fu and Tai Chi Team has won many awards including Gold Medals and…
Dragon’s Dance Main Shoots Completed! Thanks to tons of hard work Sean Lim and his classmates shot the majority of Dragon’s Dance footage over the two weekends around Thanksgiving. All…
BTS Dragon’s Dance Kung Fu Movie Set Principal Photography has begun on Sean Lim’s “Dragon’s Dance” film. On our first weekend we shot three days straight at two separate locations…